First of all.....we're moving back to Chicago in about 2 weeks! We are both happy and sad. We are moving for Bryan's job, back to his home office, where he'll be working until probably this time next year when we get to move again....possibly back to Denver! I know.....
But, we are happy to be near his family again in Chicago, even if for only a year or so. I know Bryan has missed them dearly, and it will be so nice to have them close and for the twins to get to know their cousin Ayden!
NEXT, we just got back from Christmas and Grandma and Grandpa's in Bellevue, Wa. They had a huge(for them) snow storm when we were there. Really funny...the most snow in over a deacde up there! haha. So, needless to say I think we all had pretty bad cabin fever by the end of the week! But, still a wonderful time with my mom and dad, as well as my brother and his family. The girls were able to meet their cousins on my side, Jillian and John, which was awesome! Jilly is going to make an amazing babysitter someday.
Christmas 2005.......
Christmas 2006.....
And 2007...well guess my belly...or maybe the pants distracted him too much last year!
NEXT bit of news.....both girls are crawling machines now!

They follow us all over the house! It's trouble but really fun to see them follow one another in a line! Kate talks the whole time, and Lexi just looks behind her to be sure her sis is keeping up!
AND....teeth, teeth and more teeth! Lexi now has her 4 middle top teeth, and is working on the next 2 up there. Kate just got in her 2 middle top teeth too! You gotta love the drool and those poor fingers in their mouths all the time. I should take stock in teething tablets and infiant tylenol though....lifesavers, TIMES TWO! :-)
Still trying to get some good shots of those pearly whites for you, but no luck yet!, we are now back at home, so commence human jungle gyms!!
We are just enjoying all the new things the girls do every day. They are so fun, and I love watching all the new expressions, and seeing how they learn how to do new things(like standing up!-what!?!?!). Its so amazing to watch!
I hope you all have a happy and safe New Year! We'll be back soon with more updates about the move, and after the girls go to their 9 month appt! We'll let you know how much these little monkeys weigh now! My guess.....17.5(Kate), and 16.5(Lexi). We'll see!!!